New Positron 3D Newsletter!

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our revamped newsletter!

Recently we had exceeded 2000 members on our mailing list, which meant we had to move to a new mailing manager - we admittedly didn't expect this kind of growth as quickly as it happened.

So, welcome to our new Mailing system! We are no longer restricted to what we are able to send anymore, so this will allow us to update everyone more often.

So, what's new?

Positron 3D Wiki - Alpha

We recently announced in our Discord that our Wiki is now available, it is still in extremely early alpha stages, but we have migrated our BOM to the site.

You can visit the wiki now!


We are very excited to be able to work on this, and to be able to bring more documentation to everyone. We are accepting applications for anyone who would like to help us organize the Wiki, so if you have a passion for documenting, feel free to join the Wiki Discord via the link on the site.

New Verified Manufacturers

Recently, we finished the verification process for both Fabreeko and Muon3D!


....Something is Brewing....

We are very excited to say that Kit Development has come a long way, and that there will be some new updates we will be able to share with you all in the coming future. Stay tuned!

Sorry if you get multiple of these - this new newsletter program is new to us, and to our mail provider, so we are working out any bugs with the system. Thank you!